Art Blakey – Biography and History

Arthur “Art” Blakey was born on October 11, 1919, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Raised in a musical family, Blakey showed an early interest in music, initially playing the piano before transitioning to the drums. His early experiences in the vibrant Pittsburgh jazz scene laid the foundation for his future career. Blakey began playing professionally in his teens, performing with various local bands and honing his craft.

Blakey’s first major break came in the early 1940s when he joined the Fletcher Henderson Orchestra. This experience was pivotal, as it introduced him to the national jazz scene and helped him develop his distinctive drumming style characterized by powerful rhythms and dynamic improvisations. In 1944, Blakey moved to New York City, where he joined the legendary Billy Eckstine Orchestra. It was during this period that he began playing with some of the future giants of bebop, including Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, and Miles Davis.