10 Fascinating Facts About Blind Boy Fuller

Blind Boy Fuller, born Fulton Allen, was a prominent figure in the Piedmont blues scene during the 1930s. Despite his relatively short life, he left an indelible mark on American music. Here are ten fascinating facts about this influential musician:

1 – Early Life: Blind Boy Fuller was born in Wadesboro, North Carolina, in 1907. His birth name was Fulton Allen, but he became better known by his stage name, which he adopted due to his visual impairment.

Blind Boy Fuller – Short Biography

Blind Boy Fuller, born as Fulton Allen on July 10, 1907, in Wadesboro, North Carolina, was a seminal figure in the world of blues music. His life story, much like his music, was filled with hardship, resilience, and a profound ability to express the depths of the human experience through song.

Fuller lost his eyesight at a young age, purportedly due to either smallpox or meningitis, hence earning him the moniker “Blind Boy.” Despite his visual impairment, Fuller exhibited a natural talent for music from an early age. He began his musical journey by learning to play the guitar, drawing inspiration from the Piedmont blues tradition that thrived in the Southeastern United States.